The first visit to your veterinarian is an incredibly important one for the lifelong health and well-being of your puppy or kitten. Here, our Avon vets explain our preventive care priorities at your young pet's first appointment as well as some of the common conditions we will examine them for.
The First Vet Visit For Your Puppy or Kitten
If you ask any vet, they will tell you that taking your dog or cat to the vet for the first time, and the appointments that follow, are some of the most important things you can do to help preserve their health, well-being and safety. These initial visits give your vets the chance to provide critical preventive care, examine your new pet for signs of potential health issues, and diagnose any health conditions which your young pet may already have.
Puppies should generally have their first veterinary appointment at the age of 6 weeks, while kittens should have theirs at about 8 weeks. Your vet will give you information about how frequently you will need to bring your companion in to see them throughout their first year.
But, what is actually involved when taking your dog or cat to the vet for their first visit? And what kinds of health conditions are commonly found through these checkups? Here, our Animal General team explains more.
What is involved in your puppy or kitten's first vet visit?
Like with any first medical appointment, the first steps of your puppy or kitten's first veterinary appointment will require you to fill out some paperwork. This is to make sure your vet has all the relevant information about your new pet on file such as their name, breed, age, and more. Your vet may also ask you some questions about your pet's temperament, their hereditary health history and more.
This initial discussion is a great opportunity for you to not only give detailed answers to your vet's questions to ensure they know everything they can about your pet's health, but also to ask questions of your own!
The Exam
Next, your vet will give your puppy or kitten a total physical exam. This includes checking their coats and skin condition, level of alertness, internal health, face condition, signs of swelling and more. If your dog or cat is of a breed that is predisposed to certain congenital defects, your vet will also specifically check for those too.
Preventive Care
After your pet gets their physical exam, your vet will use all of the information they have gathered to advise you on a suitable preventive treatment plan for the first half-a-year to a year of your puppy or kitten's life.
Preventive care for pets includes starting them on a course of parasite preventive treatments for ticks, fleas, heartworms and more when they are of the proper age. It also involves planning out a year of vaccinations and boosters against common conditions that affect dogs and cats.
Finally, your vet will speak with you about "fixing" (spaying or neutering) your dog or cat to help prevent a whole host of problematic behaviours, inadvertent litters, and serious diseases as they grow older, as well as microchipping to help you to find your pet if they ever become lost.
Treatment of Common Conditions
This final step may not always come up during your kitten or puppy's first veterinary appointment, because it depends on how your vet's assessment of your pet's health goes. If your veterinary professional finds any health issues in your young pet, it will be their top priority to ensure they are definitively diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Illnesses or conditions that may be non-threatening to an adult pet can be quite serious to the weak immune systems of puppies or kittens.
But what are some of the most common conditions that vets detect during this first appointment with a puppy or kitten?
What are Some Common Conditions Diagnosed in Puppies and Kittens At their First Appointment?
While ideally your puppy or kitten will be in perfect health when they come to visit our vets for the first time, it does happen that a young pet will have a condition that is impacting their health requiring treatment at their first visit! The following are some of the common health conditions that may require treatment during your pet's first appointment:
- External Parasites: External parasites are an incredibly common health issue for pets and can include fleas and ticks. If external parasites are found on your pet, our vets will also test your companion for any signs of illnesses commonly transmitted by these pests.
- Internal Parasites: Internal parasites, like external ones, can be quite common in young pets. This is especially the case if you got them from a rescue that has not provided them with deworming treatment. This health issue is so common, some events may prescribe dewormers regardless of test results just to be sure your pet isn't harboring any unwanted passengers
- Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV): This virus is second only to physical trauma as the cause of feline death and can be transmitted to kittens through their mother's milk, saliva, or sharing of water bowls. While this illness isn't a death sentence, it will require immediate treatment.
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): This illness is serious and incurable, however, especially for indoor cats it is very manageable. If your vet detects signs of FIV in your cat at their first appointment, they will explain the steps you will need to take to keep your kitten, and any other cats in your household, safe.
- Canine Parvovirus: This incredibly serious and contagious disease can be incredibly deadly to dogs, especially puppies with their weak immune systems. If your vet detects this illness, they will leap into action. While preventable through vaccinations, canine parvovirus requires intensive veterinary treatment and hospitalization to treat.
- Congenital Defects: This broad umbrella of conditions includes things like facial deformities such as underbites, congenital blindness, bone disorders and more. Our vets will examine your pet for particular congenital defects based on their breed and heritage (if a breeder has provided you with their hereditary health information). Treatment for these issues can vary just as much as the issues themselves, and your vet will be sure to explain their treatment or management plan in detail.
Our veterinarians check for each of these health conditions in particular when conducting our physical exam of your pet. Depending on your pet's predisposition to developing nay of the above conditions or illnesses, we may conduct additional diagnostic testing such as fecal exams, bloodwork and X-rays.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.